dog smiling.

Identifying the ideal veterinary hospital for your pet may not be as simple as finding the one nearest your home. Not all pet care practices are created equal, and one important distinction is accreditation from the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). At Flowers Mill Veterinary Hospital, we’re proud of our AAHA-accredited status, and we’re here to explain why an AAHA vet may be the best choice for your pet.

What Does AAHA Mean? 

AAHA is the only organization that accredits veterinary facilities in the United States and Canada. Unlike medical practices for humans, accreditation for veterinary hospitals is voluntary—and far from easy. When a veterinary hospital displays the AAHA logo, it means they’ve met the stringent standards of high-quality care as determined by AAHA. It’s a way of reassuring pet families that the facility is voluntarily going the extra mile to adhere to the highest standards of excellence.

Think of all the veterinary practices in your surrounding area. Now consider that only 15 percent of all the veterinary clinics across the United States and Canada are AAHA-accredited. That means the vast majority of veterinary practices you pass by are not following the strictest protocols of veterinary medicine. 

Our AAHA-accredited distinction at Flowers Mill Veterinary Hospital means we are willingly striving every day to provide pets with the highest standards of care. 

What is an AAHA Vet? 

An AAHA vet is one that has been evaluated on nearly 50 mandatory standards, plus other criteria, in the areas of patient care, services, facilities, and clinical protocols—and has met or exceeded all the requirements. 

For a facility to remain AAHA-accredited, it must continually meet mandatory standards of care in the following areas:

AAHA standards of care—in conjunction with AAHA guidelines on other clinically relevant topics—are created by experts in the veterinary field and are updated regularly to stay on top of the newest advancements in veterinary medicine. 

Maintaining AAHA-Accredited Status

In total, there are about 900 different standards and guidelines that Flowers Mill Veterinary Hospital must adhere to in order to maintain our AAHA-accredited status. We are evaluated and inspected by an AAHA representative every three years, and we must also meet the threshold for continuing education hours. 

Why Choose an AAHA Vet?

As a loving pet parent, choosing the right veterinary practice for your pet is one of your most important decisions. An AAHA vet is one that is willing to meet or exceed the highest standards in all aspects of veterinary medicine and commit to continuous improvement. 

If you have questions about our AAHA status and what it means for your pet’s health and wellness, or if you’d like to schedule a visit, please contact us at (215) 752-1010.