Springtime Pet Care: Nurturing Healthy and Happy Pets

Springtime means warmer weather and more opportunities to enjoy outdoor time. But what does this season mean for your pets? It’s important to learn about springtime veterinary recommendations to keep your pets healthy and happy all spring long and as you start preparing for summer months. These tips can help ensure pet happiness and pet wellness:
Spring Cleaning
The start of a new season is always a good time to give your house a little extra attention when it comes to cleaning responsibilities. If you plan on doing any spring cleaning this season, make sure you keep any cleaning products away from your pets. Even green or natural cleaning products can be harmful when ingested by animals, so it’s best to keep all of the products far away.
Window Screens
A lot of people like to open up their home windows as the weather improves. This can be a great way to get fresh air into the house and cool down without relying on the AC. Unfortunately, this can also present opportunities for pets to escape your home–especially cats that can easily jump out of open windows. Prevent escapes by installing sturdy and reliable screens. That way, you’ll be able to keep them open without worry!
Water Bowls
Hydration is always essential for pet wellness, but it’s even more important as the weather warms up during the spring months. Keep a close eye on your pets’ water bowls and make sure they always have access to fresh water. You should also pay attention to how much water your pets drink each day so you’ll be able to spot if they are drinking more or less than usual, in which case you might want to contact a veterinarian.
Do you want to start a garden this spring? If so, make sure you choose plants that are safe for your pets to be around, as some plants can be toxic to animals. Keep fertilizer and other gardening products stored carefully where your pets won’t be able to access them. It is also a good idea to put some sort of fencing around your garden to deter your pets from trying to access it.
You and your pets will probably be spending more time outdoors now that spring has arrived. Your pets should always be wearing collars and tags when they are outdoors, and you should keep your animals on leashes when you’re in public spaces. Consider getting a microchip for your pets if you haven’t already, as these can help you find them if they get lost. Also be aware of the temperature and how it’s affecting the ground. If the ground is too hot for you to touch with your hand, it’s too hot for your pets’ feet.
The team here at Flowers Mill Veterinary Hospital would love to help you keep your pet healthy this spring and all year long! Our Langhorne veterinary clinic is dedicated to provide our patients with high-quality services through every stage of development. Give us a call at (215) 752-1010 for more information or to schedule a pet wellness appointment.